The continuous use of inorganic fertilizers in recent years has brought several adverse effects on both the environment and the soil.
Pollution of the aquifer (flushing) and the atmosphere (evaporation).
Degradation of soil quality (Increase of salinity, decrease of fertility and organic matter).
Commitment of soil nutrients
Poisoning the normal fauna of beneficial soil microorganisms.
Reduction of the nutritional value and taste of agricultural products.
Large losses of nutrients due to leaching, evaporation, runoff, corrosion, etc.
🪴They are in form of pellets and as result they are easy to use with a fertilizer spreader such us by hand.
🪴The source of the organic matter is odorless and completely free of weed seeds and pathogenic microorganisms.
🪴They have a guaranteed composition.
🪴By using them, they enrich at the same time the soil with macro & micronutrients covering a large part or all the needs of the crop in basic fertilization.
Send us your request & we will answer you immediately!
Εμπιστεύομαι τα οργανοχημικά λιπάσματα Μακεδονίας εδώ και πολλά χρόνια και τα αποτελέσματα στα κτήματά μου είναι εμφανή!